26 August 2022 15:18

Raising awareness of mandatory health insurance continues in the regions

With the joint organization of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) and relevant local executive authorities, awareness-raising activities have been performed in the regions since June of 2022.

Awareness-raising meetings organized between June and August covered 12 regions of the country. The events held in Ganja city and the Goygol, Siyazan, Gusar, Aghjabadi, Beylagan, Aghdam, Fuzuli, Salyan, Jalilabad, Masalli, and Astara districts were attended by the heads of the Agency's Ganja, Jalilabad, Guba, Lankaran, and Aghjabadi branches, representatives of local executive authorities, and officials from city and district hospitals.

Employees of various departments, enterprises, and organizations, as well as representatives of the administrative territorial offices and citizens from other groups of the population were invited to the awareness-raising meetings.

The branch managers of the Agency provided the participants detailed information about the mandatory health insurance system, mandatory health insurance fees, Benefit Package, and state medical facilities attached to TABIB. In addition, citizens were explained the rules for using mandatory health insurance in state medical facilities and private medical facilities contracted by the Agency.

At the end of the meeting, the participants' questions were answered.

We express our deep gratitude to all our partners who support the Agency in providing information to the population about mandatory health insurance, and we hope for continuous cooperation.

We would like to state that any organization can apply for the Agency to provide information to its personnel on the mandatory health insurance system. The Agency conducts informational sessions in person or online. You can contact press@its.gov.az to organize a session.

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