01 June 2022 10:56

Salaries of specialty doctors to increase

By the decision of the Management Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency), from June 1, 2022, fixed incentive allowances in the amount of 800 manats will be applied to the monthly (base) salary of specialty doctors of medical entities attached to TABIB. As a result, the salary amount to be paid to specialty doctors will be at least 1,000 manats together with the base salary and fixed incentive allowances after the deduction of taxes and other mandatory payments. At the same time, the monthly fixed incentive allowance paid to family doctors has been increased to 500 manats.

The increase applies to all specialty doctors, both outpatient and inpatient, except for dentists. In this regard, the corresponding change was made in the order "Regulations on the remuneration of healthcare workers of medical facilities under the authority of the public legal entity the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions.” About 19,000 health workers will benefit from this salary increase.

Example 1:

The monthly salary of a cardiologist for 12th grade is 468 manats. A fixed allowance of 800 manat is applied to the base salary of a cardiologist. In addition, a cardiologist is paid a performance-based monthly incentive allowance for outpatient and inpatient activities. Thus, the payment is determined as follows: 468 + 800 = 1,268 manats + performance-based monthly incentives.

This change involves increases in the amount of monthly incentive allowances payable to doctors of the health services organization department (except dentists) and family doctors. The amount of the monthly fixed incentive allowance applied to their monthly base salary has been increased to 500 manats.

The amount of fixed monthly incentive allowances paid to specialists (e.g., psychologists, speech therapists, and pedagogues) and physical therapists in health facilities has also increased to 500 manats.

Example 2:

The monthly salary of a family doctor for 12th grade is 468 manats. A fixed allowance of 500 manat is applied to the base salary. Thus, the payment is determined as follows: 468 + 500 = 968.

Additionally, doctors of emergency and urgent medical aid stations and doctors in emergency medical aid departments and units were added to the list of doctors to whom fixed incentive allowances will be paid. Fixed incentive allowances in the amount of 250 manats have been assigned for them. It should be noted that the monthly base salaries of doctors currently working in the aforementioned field are paid by applying a two-fold increase.

Example 3:

The monthly salary of emergency and urgent medical aid doctors of emergency and urgent medical aid stations for 12th grade is 468 manats. A two-fold increase is applied to the monthly base salaries of emergency medical aid doctors. Thus, their payment is determined as follows: 936 + 250 = 1,186 manats.

Specialists working with war veterans in health facilities were added to the list of non-medical workers who are paid fixed incentive allowances. The fixed monthly allowance for these specialists is set at AZN 350.

It should be noted that the salary of the doctors to whom the increase is applied may also be subject to salary supplements due to the working conditions mentioned in Clause 6 of the Regulations. All deductions from salary payable by the employee are incorporated into the final amount.

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