23 January 2020 16:29

Salary increments will be applied for middle, junior medical staff and non-medical staff

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance has approved the regulation "On the Compensation System for Healthcare Personnel of Medical Facilities subordinated to the Public Legal Entity the Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions”.

According to the regulation, the salary of health workers consists of fixed salary (tariffs), allowances for working conditions, incentive increments, and other payments provided by the Labor Code, depending on their position, seniority, and performance evaluation.

Allowances for working conditions include the following types:

• increments for working conditions that are hazardous to health and difficult;
• increments for working conditions that are particularly dangerous and severe;
• increments for working conditions associated with human immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV);
• increments for qualification degrees;
• increments for continuous work experience;
• increments for works carried out during the night time;
• increments for specific working conditions;
• increments for tense, complex, and high quality work, as well as high performance.

Taking into account the specifics of the work carried out by middle and junior health staff, incentive increments to their monthly salaries (tariffs) are defined as fixed increments according to their positions.

According to the regulation, the salary of health workers includes salary (tariffs), allowances for working conditions, incentive increments, and other payments provided by the Labor Code, depending on their position, seniority, and performance evaluation.

Structural unit / position

Amount of fixed increment  

Middle health staff

Intensive Care Unit (excluding Laboratory Officers), Surgery Department Operational Unit (Except for the Operations Maintenance staff of Operations Unit)

160,00 manat

Middle medical staff of the Surgery (excluding the Operational Unit staff), Therapy, Child, Gynecology and Maternity, Hemodialysis, Laboratory, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, and Statistics divisions, technical staff of the Radiology Division and laboratory assistants of Intensive Care Unit

110,00 manat

Middle medical staff of the Family Health Center

80,00 manat

Middle medical staff of the Polyclinics and Radiology divisions (except technical staff of Radiology Division), inpatient staff of the Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis divisions, nursing staff of the Neurology and Sanatorium-Resort divisions

80,00 manat


Middle medical staff on technical position of the Operational Unit

40,00 manat

Middle medical staff in senior male/female nurse positions

790,00 manat

Junior medical staff

Junior medical staff of the Operational Unit of the Surgery Division and Intensive Care Unit

60,00 manat

Junior medical staff of the Surgery, Gynecology and Maternity, Physiotherapy, Hemodialysis, Family Health Center, Laboratory, Child, Polyclinics, Radiology, and Therapy divisions, in-patient Neurology and Sanatorium-Resort divisions of the Infectious Diseases and Tuberculosis departments, Administrative and Non-Medical divisions

40,00 manat

Junior medical staff in the position of chief supply manager

210,00 manat

In addition, fixed increments are paid to middle and junior health staff working far from their place of residences in villages and settlements. Fixed incentive increments based on remuneration rates are applied to the monthly salaries (tariff) of managers, dispatchers, middle and junior health staff, and drivers of emergency ambulance care stations (divisions), as well as the staff of facilities (divisions and departments) engaged in supply, processing, and refrigerated storage of blood and its components, as well as bone marrow.

Fixed incentive increments are applied at the rate of 50% of the hourly salary (tariff) of middle and junior medical staff of the surgery, intensive care, maternity, gynecology and ambulance divisions (division, department, station, cabinet, etc.)  of medical facilities per working hours carried out during night time (for ambulance services, as well as 35% of the regular incentive increments referred to in paragraph 17.4 of the regulations). For other staff, the rate of increments applied will be 35% of their salary (tariff).

An increment at the rate of 15% of the monthly salary of a certain group of health workers is applied for working conditions that are hazardous to health and difficult. The rate of increment applied for working conditions that are particularly dangerous and severe will be 20% of their monthly salary and 60% for working conditions associated with human immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
The amount of incentive increments applied to the monthly salary (tariff) of non-medical staff is determined directly by the performance of the medical facility. For this purpose, medical facilities are evaluated based on established criteria. Evaluation criteria are classified into three groups: 

•    According to the structure of hospital, with a maximum score of 30 (the final score is determined by the average of two of the scores in this group);
•    According to medical and statistical indicators, with a maximum score of 40 (the final score is the total score for each of the criteria in this group);
•    For administrative management activities, with a maximum score of 30 (the final score is the total score for each of the criteria in this group). 
As a result of the assessment, medical facilities are classified into three groups (the 2nd and the 3rd groups are classified respectively into two categories - Category A and B):

• Group 1 - Enterprises earning up-to-and-including 30 points
• Group 2 - Enterprises with 31-60 points
Category A - Enterprises with 46-60 points
Category B - Enterprises with 31-45 points
• Group 3 - Enterprises with more than 61 points
Category A - Enterprises with more than 81 points
Category B - Enterprises with 61-80 points

Monthly incentive increments applied to the salary of non-medical staff are adjusted depending on the group and the category of the medical facility where they work. You can find the amount of monthly incentive increments applied for non-medical staff in the regulations. 


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