25 January 2022 10:03

The "1542" Call Center of the Agency received 179 515 inquiries in 2021

During 2021, the Call Center "1542" of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) received a total of 179 515 calls (inquiries). 87 717 of the calls were related to coronavirus, 41 575 to andatory health insurance, 29 779 to other issues, 9 580 to outpatient services, 8 684 to disability, and 2 180 to psychological support.

The inquiries received by the coronovirus line are grouped as follows:

  • Coronavirus disease- 17,208
  • Vaccination - 26,609 appeals.
  • COVID-19 test results - 43,900

The majority of calls on mandatory health insurance line were related to medical examinations and treatment (12 514) and supply of medicines (7439).

All inquiries were promptly answered, problems requiring investigation were referred to the relevant structural units, and callers were informed about the results of the investigation.

It should be noted that the lines of the Call Center have been updated since November last year. Today, the Call Center offer services on 4 lines. These lines are as follows:

  • Mandatory health insurance line
  • Disability issues line
  • Coronavirus line
  • Operator line

The Сall Сenter line for mandatory health insurance (1542- 1), disability issues (1542-2), coronavirus (1542-3) and its sublines on coronavirus disease (1542-3-1), vaccination (1542-3-2), COVID-19 test results operate on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00; operator line operates 24/7.

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