29 October 2019 15:12

The official website of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance has been updated

The content and design of the official website of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (its.gov.az) has been updated. The new version of the website has an updated design with new sections added to the sitemap. During the development of the site, the most important issues related to the operation of the Agency and mandatory health insurance were taken into consideration. As before, along with Azerbaijani version, the website has also Russian and English versions.

The website, consisting of 4 pages, 5 sections and 27 subsections, features news and information on the activities of the Agency and answers to questions of citizens concerning the mandatory health insurance.

In the upper panel of the website, a search section has been created to type any keyword and get the information you need.   

The first page contains "The Rights and Responsibilities of Insured Persons", "Benefit Package", "Exclusions Package" and "TABIB" which links to the four subsections. By entering "Benefit Package" subsection, citizens can get access to the list of health care services provided under mandatory health insurance in pilot areas. The Exclusions Package subsection contains a set of medical services that are not covered by the Benefit Package. You can see the list of medical facilities that will operate under mandatory health insurance when entering the “TABIB” subsection. Also, on the first page, citizens may submit their proposals, applications and complaints about the activities of the organization using the "Electronic Application" service.

News, press releases, photos and videos about the activities of the Agency are regularly updated on the second page of the website.

The next page contains general information about the Agency, its structure and affiliates.

The last page of the website contains links to "Legislation" and "Frequently Asked Questions" subsections. Citizens can find the legal regulations in the "Legislation" section.

In the “Subscribe” section of the website by entering e-mail address it is possible to sign up for Agency’s updates and available vacancies.

In addition, it is possible to get the e-mail addresses of the Agency's senior staff, find the reception days and time and make an electronic appointment through the website.

The website also contains links to the pages of the Agency’s social networks.

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