23 November 2020 15:32

The Rules of Remuneration of Health Workers have been amended

By the relevant decision of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, the Rules of remuneration of health workers employed by health facilities under the jurisdiction of the Public Legal Entity Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions have been amended.

According to the Rules, the remuneration of medical workers includes official (tariff) salaries, allowances paid for working conditions, incentive allowances and other payments provided for in the Labor Code. Incentive allowances for health workers are provided in the form of monthly fixed or monthly incentive allowances depending on the position and the nature of the work carried out based on the performance.

According to the amendment, the number of specializations / positions on fixed incentive allowances for medical workers has been increased and new version has been approved. According to the previous rules, doctors were paid a fixed monthly incentive on 9 specializations / positions, but as a result of the amendment this number has been increased to 16.

In addition, the amount of fixed incentive allowances for a number of specializations / positions is determined depending on the performance of medical facilities. Thus, medical facilities are divided into 3 groups (groups 1, 2 and 3).

Table 1

Specialization / position

Amount of a monthly fixed incentive allowance to the salary of doctors


Heads of medical divisions (except doctors of stomatology)

100,00 AZN

2Doctors of healthcare services management division (except doctors of stomatology)  200,00 AZN
3Doctors holding the position of pharmaceutist 260,00 AZN
4Doctors holding the position of family doctor300,00 AZN
5Doctors of hemodialysis division 360,00 AZN

Doctors of health center for child neurology (except psychologist and speech therapist)

200,00 AZN
7Doctors holding the position of nutrition specialist200,00 AZN
8Doctors of anatomy and pathology200,00 AZN


300,00 AZN


300,00 AZN

Laboratory doctors 

1st group of medical facilities

240,00 AZN 

2nd and 3rd  group of medical facilities

340,00 AZN


Medical statisticians

1st group of medical facilities 

240,00 AZN

2nd and 3rd  group of medical facilities 

340,00 AZN


Doctor holding the position of the head of Family Health Center 

480,00 AZN


Anesthesiologist and emergency physician

Birth attendant – gynecologist of Family Health center and Women's Clinic


Doctors holding the position of the head of pharmacy division 

1st group of medical facilities 

370,00 AZN

2nd and 3rd  group of medical facilities 

570,00 AZN


Head of Quality Management Committee 

2nd and 3rd  group of medical facilities 

910,00 AZN


*In addition, doctors are paid incentive allowances for performance


With the exception of items 6, 9 and 14 in Table 1, other items shall enter into force on January 21, 2020. Paragraph 9 shall enter into force on January 1, 2020, and paragraphs 6 and 14 shall enter into force on October 26, 2020.

Monthly incentives are given to doctors to measure and evaluate the services provided on their specialization / position. Taking into account the optimal workload and working hours, the upper quantitative limit of doctors' services is limited, and allowances are not paid for medical services exceeding the upper quantitative limit. According to the changes, in addition to resuscitation doctors, doctors working in intensive care and anesthesiology, intensive care units are given allowances in the amount of 30 manat per night shift and 5 manat for each patient receiving medical care during the night shift.

Taking into account the characteristics of the services provided by nursing staff and junior health workers, incentive allowances to their monthly salaries (tariffs) are set in the form of fixed monthly allowances, depending on the position they hold. According to the amendment, monthly fixed allowances for two positions were determined based on the classification group of health facilities. Thus, in accordance with paragraph 19.1 of the Rules, changes were made to lines 6 and 9 in Table 2. According to the decision, these changes will come into force on January 1, 2020.

Table 2

Structural unit / position

Amount of fixed allowances


Nursing staff member working on the position of head nurse (male nurse) 1st group of medical facilities 

350,00 AZN

2nd and 3rd  group of medical facilities 

790,00 AZN


Junior staff member working on the position of supply manager 

1st group of medical facilities 

150,00 AZN

2nd and 3rd  group of medical facilities 

210,00  AZN


Also, changes were made to the classification group for monthly incentive allowances payable to the management of medical facilities and non-medical staff (paragraph 16-4 of the Rules). The monthly incentive allowances payable to the management of medical facilities and non-medical staff will come into force on January 21, 2020. All other items mentioned in the decision will come into force on October 26, 2020.

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