16 July 2019 11:17

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance organized training on use of software at healthcare facilities

On July 5, 2019 the employees of Information Technology and Innovations Office of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance started to conduct trainings in hospitals on how to use the software program that will ensure full management of healthcare facilities.

The training is held in accordance with Presidential Decree № 418 dated 20 December 2018 “On a number of measures to ensure the use of mandatory health insurance in the Republic of Azerbaijan” with the purpose of electronification of healthcare facilities and ensuring their transition to the mandatory health insurance system.

As of today, training courses have been held for medical staff of 19 hospitals in Baku (City Clinic Hospital №2 named after M.A.Afandiyev, Zabrat Diagnostic-Treatment Center, United City Hospitals № 7, 10, 14, 21, 22, 24, 26, 29 and 31, Neurosurgical Hospital, Zira Diagnostic-Treatment Centre, Medical Rehabilitation Hospital, Clinic Maternity Hospital № 5, Child Rehabilitation Treatment Center, City Hospital № 8, Child Hospital № 3, Children’s Infectious Diseases Hospital № 5).

The software will enable electronification of healthcare facilities and allow online registration of patients. The software will contain information about hospital divisions that patients visit, doctors who serve them, medical examination and treatment (outpatient and inpatient) assigned to them.

The software application will also allow hospitals to determine if the person applying to the hospital is insured or not. Electronification of diagnosis and laboratory services will make possible to conduct medical evaluation.

The participants were trained on software usage guidelines and each trainee were given username and password. The participants using the personal identification number of conditional patient ID card entered the data into the system.

The trainees were presented guidelines for use and link for software access in order to exercise individually until the next training.

According to the plan, training will be held at all healthcare facilities operating within mandatory health insurance.

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