13 December 2019 11:37

Training has been completed for medical staff of clinical diagnostic laboratorie

Training for doctors and nurses of laboratories at a number of medical facilities was completed as part of a project implemented by the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance to standardize laboratories in state medical facilities that will operate under mandatory health insurance. The working group of the project includes representatives of the Agency and “Azerbaijan Public Association of Clinical Laboratory Experts.”

The training was attended by medical personnel from Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Mingachevir, Shirvan, Sheki, and Lankaran cities, including the Shamakhi, Goychay, Guba, Jalilabad, and Agjabadi regions. 25 doctors and 24 nurses from those regions attended the training, which lasted for a month.

The participants were provided with theoretical knowledge on clinical biochemistry and clinical microbiology, as well as the rules for the coding of laboratory services and the specifications of laboratory testing based on medical protocols. Interactive discussions were held with health professionals on the promotion of modern medical standards, the right choice of tests in diagnostics, and the interpretation of results. Practical training was conducted to improve the clinical skills of medical workers, including conducting the analysis, taking clinical samples, and working with fully automated systems. Assessments were conducted to determine how the participants mastered the training program. 19 of the doctors and 13 of the laboratory assistants participating in the assessment had high scores. It should be noted that the passing score is 70 for doctors and 50 for nurses.

At the end of the training, participants were given certificates. More training in this area is planned for the next phase of the project. The training will be attended by medical staff from other regional diagnostic laboratories.

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