06 December 2019 15:58

Training held on "Regulation of the work of chief female/male nurses"

On December 6, 2019, a two-part training course on the “Regulation of the work of chief male/female nurses” was held, organized by the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance and with the support of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The training consisted of a theoretical part and practical exercises.

The training, organized by the Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after Aziz Aliyev, was attended by chief male/female nurses of healthcare facilities from 20 regions, as well as pilot areas where mandatory health insurance will be applied during the initial stage.

The training was aimed at informing and advising chief male/female nurses on the steps needed to improve their work.

Welcoming the participants, Ramin Bayramli, Chair of the Board of Administration of the Regional Medical Divisions stated that the level of professional training for male and female nurses plays an important role in providing quality medical services. He also said that a special action plan had been developed and will improve the professional level of male/female nurses across the country.

Gunay Gasimova, the head of the Human Resources and Development Department of the Agency stated that the Agency's goal is to improve the knowledge, skills, and abilities of medical staff in the medical facilities to be controlled by TABIB and also to apply the knowledge and experience gained during training. The goal is to improve the quality of health services provided to the population and to increase the level of satisfaction with medical services and the level of satisfaction with health care providers.

The training provided information on the duties of chief male/female nurses, as well as the organization of the infection control system for medical facilities, the newly established Nursing Department, its principles, and other topics. Training in this area will be organized step-by-step for the relevant medical personnel from other regions of the country.

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