27 April 2020 10:21

Two more services offered by “1542” Call Center of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance

“1542” Call Center of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance continues to support the preventive and immediate measures aimed to prevent the threats that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic might cause in the territory of Azerbaijan.

With the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation and the Heydar Aliyev Center, two more online services consisting of psychological support and outpatient care have been launched by the Agency.

The psychological support will be provided in the following three areas:

  • Online psychological support to medical staff (working with COVID-19 patients, online therapy in cases of a crisis or occupational burnout)
  • Psychological support to the public;
  • Psychological support to the patients.

Currently due to the quarantine regime in the country the people have been recommended to avoid leaving house if not necessary. Citizens may receive helpline support on outpatient care without leaving their houses. They can be informed about the cause of health concerns by calling 1542 hotline of the Agency. The calls will be responded by consulting doctors. If necessary, the doctors will recommend the callers to apply to the ambulance station or physician. Information about COVID-19 pandemic, mandatory health insurance system, insurance premiums, state health facilities to function under mandatory health insurance, benefit package, employment can also be received via helpline. 1542 hotline number can be dialed from mobile and landline phone operators.

  • Press “0” for information about coronavirus pandemic
  • Press “1” for information about mandatory health insurance and other issues
  • Press “2” for psychological support
  • Press “3” for support on outpatient care

Extension number “0” of the helpline operates 24/7, service on psychological support and outpatient care operates from 08:00 AM to 22:00 PM, on weekends from 09:00 AM to 21:00 PM, information about mandatory health insurance can be obtained weekdays from 09:00 AM to 18:00 PM.

The hotline (1542) has been set up since February to respond to the questions of public, increase the effectiveness of provided services and expeditiously handle the issues falling within the Agency's purview.


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