24 January 2022 12:49

Foreign-trained specialist physicians will be employed in state healthcare facilities

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance has approved the "Program for the elimination of shortage of qualified professionals in healthcare facilities for 2022-2023" to improve the quality of medical services. The program stipulates employment of specialist physicians studied in European Union countries, USA and Republic of Turkey, to eliminate the shortage of qualified professionals at healthcare facilities subordinated to the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB). The medical specialists will also share foreign experience, modern examination and treatment methods with local medical staff employed at healthcare facilities and improve their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Recruitment of doctor-specialists applying for the program or whose candidacy is submitted by the healthcare facilities will be carried out by the by the Commission approved by the Agency. Preference is given to healthcare facilities located in the cities of Baku, Ganja and Sumgayit and centers of regional medical divisions across the country.

Each year the program envisages the involvement of a total of 100 doctors (60 in surgical and radiological specialties and 40 in therapeutic and pediatric specialties) in each healthcare facility located in priority areas.

The amount of incentive supplements for doctors-specialists in surgical and radiological specialties is set not less than 6500 manats, and in therapeutic and pediatric specialties not less than 5000 manats.

Example 1: The monthly (tariff) salary of the doctors working in therapeutic and pediatric specialties varies from 415 to 487 manats according to the 9th and 13th degrees of Single Tariff Schedule. In addition, if you receive incentive supplement of 5000s manats, the total amount will be 5415-5487 manats.

The monthly (tariff) salary of the doctors working in surgical and radiological specialties varies from 450 to 528 manats according to the 11th and 15th degrees of Single Tariff Schedule. In addition, if you receive incentive supplement of 6500 manats, the total amount will be 6950-7028 manats.

The program is funded from the budget of the mandatory health insurance fund allocated for that purpose in 2022.

One of the main goals of the program is to improve the skills of nursing and non-medical staff. Trainings are planned to be held in cooperation with the relevant institutions of the Republic of Turkey to improve the skills of mid-level medical staff and biomedical engineers working in healthcare facilities. Each year, 50 nurses and 30 biomedical engineers will be selected for training by the Commission on the recommendation of the head of the relevant healthcare facility.

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