13 January 2022 14:30

The State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance has received 25 373 inquiries from citizens last year

In 2021, the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) received a total of 25373 inquiries from citizens. 25303 of the inquiries included applications, complaints and proposals and were sent by mail, 70 of the inquiries were sent by telegram.

3776 inquiries were submitted directly to the Agency mainly by residents of cities of Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit , as well as districts of Barda, Astara, Jalilabad, Masalli, Absheron and Lankaran. 21597 inquiries were sent to the Agency for consideration by relevant government agencies.

Of the received inquiries, 11937 were related to examination and treatment, 7289 to disability issues, 2490 to employment and labor relations, 1506 to COVID-19, 897 to the provision of medicines and medical supplies, and 1254 to other issues. 21775 inquiries were responded, others are being processed.

In addition, the Agency's social media pages received 26390 inquiries last year. Topics of interest to citizens on social media included attachment to the family doctor, surgeries included and not included in the Benefit Package, mandatory health insurance fees, the rule for issuing the referral, online registration for vaccination, obtaining vaccination, immunity and contraindication certificates, etc.

During the mentioned period, 5916 citizens were received. The inquiries of these citizens were mainly related to the definition of disability degrees, introduction of mandatory health insurance, employment, examination and treatment, surgeries, COVID-19, etc. Citizens' inquiries were answered in accordance with the requirements of the legislation and the necessary instructions were given to address them. It should be noted that the reception of citizens was held in accordance with the rules and requirements of the special quarantine regime currently applied in the country.

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