04 February 2019 11:44

Training held on development of benefit package

Training of trainers (ToT) on development of benefit package was organised within the twinning project "Support to implementation of mandatory health insurance system in Azerbaijan" funded by the European Union and implemented by State Agency for Mandatory Health Insurance (SAMHI) together with the Delegation for European and International Affairs of the French ministries responsible for social affairs and social protection bodies of Lithuania.

Being conducted by the chairwoman of the French National Institute of Health Data, Dominique Polton and Senior Adviser to the Ministry of Health of Lithuania, Gintaras Kacevicius, the purpose of the training was to study international experience in defining benefits package for mandatory health insurance (MHI) and set up a team of trainers in the field. 20 people, including employees of the SAMHI, Azerbaijan Medical University and Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named after A. Aliyev, participated in the training.

At the 5-day training, defining the benefit package, lessons learned from international and national experiences regarding the benefit package, preparation of the list of medicines in the benefit package and evaluation of new medical technologies and medical products for improvement of the benefit package were among other topics presented by trainers. Discussions were held and exercises were organised on the above topics during group work sessions.

At the training, Head of Health Policy and Clinical Coding Systems division of the SAMHI, Sharafat Ismayilova provided information on the objectives of MHI, positive list and negative list, rules of payment for healthcare services, and answered the participants' questions. Director of Mingachevir City Central Hospital, Konul Alakbarov informed about the reorganisation of hospital activity and financing system for the application of MHI, the impact of application of MHI on both the population and healthcarestaff.

Participants were given certificates at the end of the training.

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