
Abortion is included in mandatory health insurance coverage

24.07.2024, 10:10

Examinations and procedures related to the artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion) are included in the mandatory health insurance coverage. This service aims to protect the health of pregnant women and ensure the timely provision of necessary medical interventions. During the first six months of 2024, 42,039 abortion-related surgical services were provided under mandatory health insurance.

Of these, 16,936 were performed before the 9th week of pregnancy, 16,463 after the 9th week, and 8,640 for the termination of an abdominal pregnancy. Termination of pregnancy is carried out under mandatory health insurance in state medical facilities supervised by TABIB, including the Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, upon a doctor’s instruction.
According to statistics, the highest number of applications for medical services were made to Sabunchu Medical Center, "Yeni Klinika", Republican Clinical Hospital, Clinical Medical Center, Absheron District Central Hospital in Baku, and to Shamkir District Central Hospital, Shirvan City Central Hospital, Sheki District Central Hospital, Saatli District Central Hospital, and Tovuz District Central Hospital in regional areas.

Termination of pregnancy is considered necessary for medical indications such as gynecological problems, fetal anomalies, abdominal pregnancy, and risks to the mother's health during pregnancy. For this purpose, specific medications, vacuum aspiration (a minor surgical intervention), and curettage (surgical cleaning of the uterine cavity) are used. The appropriate method is prescribed by a specialized doctor according to the patient's condition and the stage of pregnancy.

Obstetric Doppler examination before and after abortion, pregnancy hormone test (HCG), gynecological ultrasound (transabdominal and transvaginal), blood tests, and biochemical analyses are included in the mandatory health insurance coverage.

In the period up to the 9th week of pregnancy, the procedure is carried out in both outpatient and inpatient settings with medication or vacuum aspiration. After 9 weeks, the procedure is performed only in inpatient settings. After the 12th week, termination of pregnancy is allowed only for social reasons and upon medical indication. Each of these medical services is covered by mandatory health insurance.

In addition, inpatient treatment for complications related to abortion, such as pelvic or genital infections, prolonged or heavy bleeding, embolism, shock, kidney failure, metabolic disorders, and damage to pelvic organs and tissues, is also covered by mandatory health insurance. Instrumental and laboratory examinations performed in both outpatient and inpatient settings, resuscitation and hospitalization, medicines and medical supplies used during surgery, procedures during hospitalization, blood or blood components, and nutrition are included in the mandatory health insurance coverage.

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