
Hip replacement surgery is free of charge

20.08.2024, 10:22

The coxofemoral joint, the largest joint in the human body, is essential for walking, sitting, running, and maintaining an upright posture. Damage to this joint, or degenerative and inflammatory changes, can lead to severe pain and restricted movement. When conservative treatment methods are ineffective, the only way to restore the patient’s mobility and quality of life is through partial or total replacement of the coxofemoral joint with an artificial prosthesis.

In the first six months of 2024, 1,434 coxofemoral joint replacement surgeries were performed under mandatory health insurance, with 1,146 of these being complete joint replacements (replacing both the femoral head and acetabulum with a prosthesis), and 288 being partial replacements (bipolar endoprosthesis).

Prior to surgery, several diagnostic procedures prescribed by a doctor, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, are conducted to assess the patient’s health. Necessary instrumental and laboratory examinations are covered by mandatory health insurance. Additionally, examinations during surgery, intensive care, hospitalization, medications, medical supplies, endoprosthesis, and any blood components, physiotherapy services, and procedures performed during hospitalization are also covered.

The high-quality endoprosthesis provided under mandatory health insurance is manufactured by the Swiss company Medacta.

Coxofemoral joint replacement surgery is covered by mandatory health insurance upon a doctor’s prescription and is carried out in state health facilities under TABIB, research institutes under the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan, and private medical facilities based on referral.

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