
Employees of the Agency and TABIB visited the Republic of Korea

11.09.2024, 14:24

Employees of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance (Agency) and the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB) visited the Republic of Korea, organized by the Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA)within the project "Capacity Building for Medical Facilities in Azerbaijan on Insurance Policies."

The visit aimed to study Korea's experience in healthcare and the mandatory health insurance system. On the first day, participants attended presentations on Azerbaijan and the country’s healthcare system.

During the visit, the participants toured the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA), National Health Insurance Service (NHIS),and Ilsan Hospital. In meetings with organization representatives, trainees had the opportunity to observe the management of Korea's healthcare system first hand.

Participants received information on the structure of Korea's healthcare system, the implementation of the mandatory health insurance system, and aspects of international cooperation, with questions on Korean healthcare addressed.

During the training, participants developed three different action plans for Azerbaijan's healthcare system in groups and presented them on the last day. The action plans were reviewed by the Korean Institute for Management Development (IKAD) and KOICA delegations, followed by discussions and a commitment to support future projects in this field.

At the conclusion, certificates were awarded to all training participants.


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