
Zaur Aliyev receives citizens in Shamakhi

20.09.2024, 17:16

On September 20, Zaur Aliyev, Chairman of the Board of the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance, met with residents of Shamakhi, Gobustan, and Aghsu at the Shamakhi District Central Hospital.

Prior to the meeting, Zaur Aliyev visited the monument of national leader Heydar Aliyev in Shamakhi, where flowers were laid in honor of the Great Leader.

During the meeting, citizens presented their requests on issues such as examination and treatment, organ transplantation, issuance of referrals, provision of medicines, disability support, and employment and labor relations under mandatory health insurance. The meeting was attended by Vugar Gurbanov, Executive Officer of the Administration of Regional Medical Divisions (TABIB), the Head of the Agency's Shamakhi Branch, and directors of the district central hospitals of Shamakhi, Gobustan, and Aghsu. Each request was carefully reviewed, and numerous issues were promptly resolved. Further instructions were given to address outstanding requests in accordance with legislation.

This meeting was held in line with the "Schedule of Citizen Receptions in Cities and District by Heads of Central Executive Authorities and Other Administrative Institutions for August 2024," established by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. These local receptions aim to ensure the efficient review and resolution of citizen requests directly in their regions. 

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